
Showing posts from September, 2021

A Brief History of What Will Happen Again

This has happened before. It will happen again. Sleepy Father woke to show Liam a moment of mercy with a hug and Liam will scorn sleepy Elders who show a moment of mercy again  Corpse-flies circled to broadcast their family and Liam will not suffer Pru’s corpse-flies again Brothers have betrayed brothers since the world began and Liam will be betrayed because it will happen again His Goddess taught him to build Her world anew and Liam will build it again Her childer have done this before. For Her, Liam will do it again.

A Tale of Revenge: Part Two

  The shadows came first, the voices came next. Several nights in and the man was sure he was hexed.   “A person like you has no need for this place.” She hissed as she kissed the side of his face.   The Nightmare invaded every corner of his mind. They all will find out he’s doing his job blind.   “You couldn’t compete, your work is a laugh.   You’d look so much better being torn into half.”   The man ran far, as fast as he could. There was something not right, but no one understood.   The once proud man fell to his knee and now the monster’s torment of him will continue in “A Tale of Revenge: Part Three”.