Who's Your Daddy?
Who's Your Daddy? As Tic hung up the phone, his mind swirled and he knew what he had to do. The dark cloud of anger toward his Father seeped into every other thought, every action... That is just like that selfish bastard... throwing the family into complete disarray with his death, just like he did in life. Not only was he a terrible father, he as a terrible businessman, and, even worse to Tic, a terrible person. Through the fog he hesitated as he hung up the phone with Liam... so it was Victor after all. Not really a surprise I guess, but this certainly fucked with the family structure, dinn’it? “How did Liam know about Victor??”, he thought. “Jonah said it was too late for Liam, but…. maybe he’s ok? He always sounded weird on the phone, why should this be different? I do hope Liam is ok - him and Mother (and Stella and Izzy) are the only ones who really ever gave a shit about me. Fuck Father and Fuck Victor....” Through the fog of anger and resentment, h...