Rabbit hole

                               September 1987

“I know where he has a and I know who killed him. Irina Belyakov.”  Mako’s voice echoed through Anthony’s head as he laid in the worn bed at the Golden Dragon. 

“Irina Belyakov, Irina Belyakov, Irina Belyakov.” Anthony repeated to himself with loathing in every syllable as if it were a mantra. 

“I’m going to fucking end her. I’m going to rip her fucking throat out and make her suffer.” Anthony growled to himself.

                                 July 1986

“Pellecano, you are going to get yourself killed!” His police chief reprimanded the hospitalized detective after a standoff with a murder suspect. “At times you have to use the necessary force to take a DANGEROUS, possibly armed suspect down. You have a gun for a reason Pellecano!” He yelled shaken by almost losing his best detective. You are too soft for your own good sometimes.” He sighed. 


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