Who's Your Daddy?

Who's Your Daddy?

As Tic hung up the phone, his mind swirled and he knew what he had to do. The dark cloud of anger toward his Father seeped into every other thought, every action...  That is just like that selfish bastard... throwing the family into complete disarray with his death, just like he did in life. Not only was he a terrible father, he as a terrible businessman, and, even worse to Tic, a terrible person. Through the fog he hesitated as he hung up the phone with Liam...   so it was Victor after all. Not really a surprise I guess, but this certainly fucked with the family structure, dinn’it? 

“How did Liam know about Victor??”, he thought.  “Jonah said it was too late for Liam, but…. maybe he’s ok? He always sounded weird on the phone, why should this be different? I do hope Liam is ok - him and Mother (and Stella and Izzy) are the only ones who really ever gave a shit about me. Fuck Father and Fuck Victor....”

Through the fog of anger and resentment, he felt a strange warmness and a laser like call to action. I must find Jonah. This is the answer. Maybe I can save Liam and Mother and....  well, if nothing else I can explore this with Jonah. I can become....  something different from just the wayward son of the Etherington-Smith house. 

By the time he had set the phone down, his shoes were already pointed in the direction of the door. One more check in on Mother, then he hurried down to meet Jonah. His heart felt strangely calm at the certainty of his decision - through the fog he could make out the face of Jonah...  and he felt his large cock get hard at the thought. “Should I really be grinning at a time like this?”, he thought as he locked the door behind him. 

His own voice was rattling around in his head…  “so many emotions, so little time. I bet Dr. Barclay would have a field day with me right now” he imagined as he scoffed and ran toward Jonah's house. Anger, horniness, sadness, fear, excitement, ENERGY began to surge through him as he ran faster and faster. I hope Izzy and Stella will be ok....  will I get to see them still? and fucking Liam… he needs me right now. The flurry of thoughts and questions came at him like an onslaught of driving rain. Once the house was in view, Tic shook his head as if to shake out the thoughts and emotions and again became singularly focused on what was to come next. 

He saw Jonah in his mind and knew that he loved him. “Jonah followed me for how many years...  and he saved my life??”, Tic muttered to himself. Tic realized he was crying as he walked up to the steps and knocked at the door. Jonah was standing there, waiting, just like Tic knew he would be. Who needs a shit Da' like my Father when I can have someone who cares about me, Tic thought to himself, perhaps naively. As Tic crossed the threshold, he embraced Jonah and kissed him, looking into his eyes to see if all of this was real, and seeing in Jonah’s reaction that, indeed, it was. He reached down and felt his cock straining at the button fly of his ripped jeans and looked into Jonah's eyes, asking if he could take the next step. Unspoken, Jonah smiled and gave the slightest nod. 

Tic knew that the pain of all that his Father had done would be met with even more pain as he learned the details about Victor, he knew that there was more fog that would sully his mind, but in this moment, he was with Jonah and he was able to center himself, and take the next step to become...  

In an excited string of thoughts and feelings, he could hear his heart beating out a rhythm… Now, when do I get to drink HIS blood?? How does this all work?? What if Jonah was my real Dad?? Fuck, why am I so turned on right now?? 

Tic quickly undressed and breathed in Jonah’s scent and got lost for a moment, as if he had just taken a big hit of some drug…. Tic gave in to Jonah, and as a Jonah slid inside him from behind, he felt the points of Jonah’s teeth against his stretch back neck, and everything slowly faded to black… and red. 


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