Doctorial Letters


Addressed to Caleb Durest,

a permanent resident at Claybury Hospital

March 3, 1981


Dear Caleb,

          It was my pleasure to meet you the other day.  I hope you consider what we have discussed.  Your condition is well documented in the literature and the course of treatment I have recommended to the supervising physicians should assist.

          You are a bright mind and I think the world can benefit greatly from your presence and contribution. 

          I look forward to our next session.  If you could complete the sheet I left with your physician on your free time in preparation for the session.


                              Dr. Barclay










Reply to Dr. Vanessa Barclay

At her practice

July 18, 1981

Good morrow Doc,

         I am glad we have been so well acquainted these last three sessions.  I do not say this about many people…especially not doctors, but I think I will be able to trust you.  You are the first one to invite an open line of communication with me.  That must have taken great trust that I would not misuse this information.

         I hope you are right about your assessment of me.  I think I am a good person, but sometimes it seems impossible to be a good person in a flawed world.

                 Your friend,
















Reply to Caleb Durest,

a permanent resident at Claybury Hospital

October 23, 1981

Dear Caleb,

          Your letters have been a welcome addition to my days.  I’m glad you feel so comfortable communicating this way.  I have found that this is a great way for us to become better acquainted and to further your treatment.

          I do want you to keep your spirits up.  As we have spoken before your condition is only part of the problem and there are many things you can do outside your prescribed treatment to help with at least some of your symptoms.


                              Dr. Barclay


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