Nothing But a Whore

 July 31st, 1987

"Listen bitch, I'm not paying for your worthless ass again. You're nothing but a whore with a cock. Pull up that dress and give me what I want," a man growled from down the alley. Anthony started down the poorly lit trash strewn alley way.

" Got off of me!" he heard a women cry and gasp in pain as she was struck by a fist to her face.

"Hands up and back away from the women," Anthony yelled to the man.

"Who the fuck are you?" the man angrily questioned.

"The police. Now get the fuck out of here before I take you to the station for assault," Anthony replied.

He spat at Anthony's feet, zipped his pants, and stalked away.

" I suppose you plan on taking me to the station instead," sneered the bleeding woman.

"You were the one who was assaulted and is bleeding," Anthony stated matter of factly. "No, I have no intention of taking you to the station. I'm detective Anthony Pellecano. May I ask your name?"

"Vivian," she replied, eyeing him suspiciously. "So what do you want then, detective?"

"I want to make sure you are okay," he replied ignoring her suspicion.

This caught Vivian off guard. Her only encounters with the police have involved her in hand cuffs and a jail cell.

"Well....thank you, but I'm fine," she attempted to walk away.

He gently placed a hand on her shoulder as she walked past him. "Please allow me to take a look." Vivian stopped, once again surprised by his concern, but allowed him to look her over.

"You're nose is bleeding and you have a split lip. My apartment is just around the block. Let's get you cleaned up."

Vivian reluctantly followed him and said, "I'm not going to shag you detective. I don't fuck cops."

Anthony chuckled, "Well I would hope not Vivian. I prefer the company of men," he smiled and winked at her.


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