Salade Deuxième

Only raw crunch can satisfy now. The spines of crisp romaine, buttery chokes, young birds crackling in their own juices… The second salad forsakes good taste for the sublime. The help whisks away the courses so quickly… Which course is this? It doesn’t matter, because She’s spread out his folder on Father’s activities. She’s reading the ledger with a hard smile. Liam proudly looks at Her as he sips his watercress soup. He’s a good investment. —— The tux is the best choice. Liam knows She likes him in a tux. He and Tic got these together. Did he ever wear it? He looks smarter than he did at dinner the night of… Watercress soup must have been earlier this evening, yeah? —- Liam looks at someone and they disappear. That’s his super power. He knows these galas, these auctions, these intermissions and these dreadful cast meets after the show is over. Liam doesn’t have to like them. But Liam will do everything in his power to make sure everyone has a lovely time. Part of him wishe...