We’ve Escaped… Now Wut?

 We've Escaped...   Now Wut?

Tic and Anthony stepped out of the cab at the hotel and looked at each other before going to check in. Tic had been here before, but that was with Izzy and Stella, presumably so that Izzy could meet up with someone to "restock his shelves". Tic wondered if this level of sleaze would be a problem for Detective Pellecano, although by all indications, he didn't think it would be a problem. Americans are a funny lot, Tic thought, never really fully who they say they are, usually a lot darker than they believe themselves to be. 

As they were checking in, Tic pulls out his (fake) French driver's license and credit card with the name "Pierre de la Croix" and handed it to the punked out mistress popping her gum behind the counter. Tic admired her bubble gum pink hair and self-confidence as he coyly lingered over her tits held up by her dayglo dress and name badge that simply read "Candi". She would have to be confident to work the night shift in this place, Tic thought. She smiled coyly back looking between Tic and Anthony and asked "what it'll it be luvs? Single or double?" Tic flashed her a big smile, winked at her, and in a spot on heavy French accent says, "dooble, si'l vous plait". Candi smiled back, trying to figure out their situation, but knowing that it is better for her to know less so that if the cops arrive, she isn't more involved than necessary. 

"No funny business in there, arright?" and almost giggled as she said it. "Altho, 'most everyone here ignores that bi' of advice" she said while simultaneously popping her gum and rolling her eyes. She handed Tic back his license and cards and a key attached to a large plastic room number keyring. "Room 127 - and try not to ruin my bedsheets, arright?" - Tic nodded to her and Anthony and as he turned he looked down at the key at a small note that read "I'm off at 2am if you swing my way". Tic grinned and turned back to her, where she was tilting her head and working her damnedest to be sexy. "Well, this could go a lot of ways tonight" Tic whispered under his breath. 

Once in the room, they take a few swigs from Tic's flask and Anthony looks scared as fuck. Admittedly, Tic was on edge as well. Both of them sat in silence, clearly not wanting to talk about things as they begin to pass out in separate beds. When Tic woke up hungover with the light brightly shining through the dirty windows, he adjusted Anthony's arm wrapped around him and realized he was being spoon by the good detective. "Just as well" he thought and slumbered a little more before using the front desk phone to make a phone call. 


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