Palate Cleanser: Bitter Herbs Over Ice

Woe to the chef who underestimates the palate cleanser! It washes away the past and forces your guests back to their seats. They have barely begun to experience the journey you have prepared for them.

For many years, Father’s feeble mind forgot the first bit of “business isn’t just what you know, but who you know” and coasted by on the fumes of his reputation. Reviewing Father’s books in his office, Liam grew increasingly disgusted as he worked through years of his family’s various interests.

Business still required knowledge.

Business still required work.

Liam saw little evidence of either in the figures and reports he relentlessly dissected….

…Until a few years ago. The years Liam was in Her Majesty’s service and Father began spending more time with Victor.

Suddenly, the books became a symphony of the family’s holdings. Point, counterpoint… rising crescendos that reached the heavens and a deep and well-funded foundation. 

These books weren’t business- they were art.

Liam had always relied on hard work to make up for business acumen, but now he saw the music and every note. He could see the next movement and direct every player.

As surely as he was elevated by the art, he knew he could never achieve this genius. Liam knew there was an artist somewhere- now all he wanted was to be worthy of the master’s lessons.


Back home, Mother sipped her tea and reviewed the quarterly reports.


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