Fifth Course: Removes

The entree sings the aria, while the removes are the decadent chorus, rich with tastes and textures that elevate the meat course into a sublime crescendo. As each dish is whisked away, guests should exclaim that every one could be a main course. A master chef knows there can be only one.

Among the members of his rarefied clubs and sport leagues, Liam’s newfound zeal for business provoked friendly jokes, then awe... and finally fear that his acumen might put their own investments at risk. What had they told him over a draught, assuming business talk meant nothing to him?

The smart ones flocked around him. Liam had an invitation for dinner every night of the week, often followed by an old mate pitching him on an investment over coffee and coke.

Liam had done little more than be himself, just with a bigger dick and a major investment project. But now, his extensive network came to him for more than just a drink. As more and more came to him for advice and backing, he saw their needs, their weaknesses, and where the bodies were buried.

He never cracked open a book on business.

He just made friends, as he always had.

Friends who owed him.

Friends who owed Her.


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