Patient Notes


Patient notes of Dr. Barclay



Arrives in her usual late manner well-dressed slightly disheveled A/O x3


Clarissa seems to be more distracted than usual at beginning of treatment

Reports auditory and visual hallucination.

          Visual hallucinations of dark angel like creatures.  This has some correlation to her dissertation from art school

Auditory hallucinations a repeated phrase. “Oblivio Accedit” (research later)

Clarissa showed me several drawings of her interpretation of these figures.  The pictures had a noticeable gradation to more disturbing and less similar to original works. Suggesting increased stress and increase of symptoms. 

Agreed to a short break from her to see if her preoccupation on angels for her graduation is the source of these hallucinations.

          Consider chlorpromazine therapy if pre schizophrenia symptoms continue to worsen.






Detective Pellecano

Arrives surprisingly punctual and appropriately dress A/O x3, but clearly intoxicated


For some reason he seems rather disgruntled by my questioning of his drinking.  Very guarded at even surface level interrogatories as to drinking habits.  Indicates history of alcohol based trauma or even more evidence of his possible anti-authority personality.

Session was briefly interrupted by brown out and Det. Pellecano became immediately distressed and paranoid.  After I allowed him investigation of my home he reported a visual hallucination of his partner in a mirror.  The situation of electricity malfunction, low lights, and hallucination indicate some specific trauma related to his partner.

Refuses to refer to his murdered partner in any more specific terms despite his obvious feelings of being more than “mere work partners” in fact refers to himself as his partner’s family.


Was finally cooperative and receptive to my questions and was open to reveal more honesty about situation.





Preparation for treatment of Caleb

          His symptoms have continued to worsen since the beginning of our treatment.

          I’m unconvinced that his treating physician at the hospital is being fully compliant in monitoring Caleb’s medication.

Caleb continues to demonstrate many different affectations.  The origin of these affectations are unclear and possibly just avoidant behavior.  Consider more confrontational approach when unfamiliar affectations present themselves.

Still is extremely intelligent, but continues to demonstrate extreme psychosis, severe personality disorders, and multiple obsessions, which consume much of his daily activities.


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