Rhotic’s Story

 “yo’re ‘ere, Master Rhotic,” the driver said with a knowing half smile under his bushy mustache. “A quarter mile from the Lion’s Paw, just like you asked. ‘ave fun tonight, but don’ do nuffin I would na do, awrigh’ lad?” TIC’s face lit up as he gave his friend a £5 note and said, “fanks! don’ tell mummy and da, right?” 

16 year old TIC opens the door and the snow and cold swirl around him as he steps out of his father’s Maybach as he starts the cold march toward the hangout him and his friends had been haunting for a few years now - he pulls the thin jacket covered in patches tight around him and his septum ring starts dripping condensation from the large steel balls onto his upper lip. Along the way he stops at one of the few occupied row flats and bangs on the inside of the bar covered window, knowing his comrades were in there waiting for him - “Come on, mates!! It’s fuck’n cold out here!!” Seconds later a skinny boy with a threadbare jacket and a flirty girl with a shock of pink hair come bounding down the stoop stairs - “oi!! quiet! y’ou’ll wake up me Da from his stooper, ‘e’s really tied one on today” - Tic grins and hugs his friend, knowing a jackhammer couldn’t wake up his Dad after he’s passed out. Tic bows to his friend with the blue eye shadow and says “m’ladee, will you accompany me and my mate to the Paw” tonight?” 

“Why sure, m’lord” as she pops her gum and gives her hair a toss... “I’d be ever so grateful to accompany you” and they all crack up laughing and clasp hands to continue their journey. Tic reaches in his pocket and pulls out a large fancy silver flask with “E-S” inscribed on both sides of a lions head - “care for some of me Da’s scotch??” and passes it to his friends after taking a long swig. Tic didn’t want them to know today was different from usual, he just wanted to be with his friends and to feel normal. Normal... he thought, whatever the fuck THAT means... 

Once they arrive, they walk through the doorway and into the smoke filled pub - Tic gives a big smile to the bartender and says “Johnny.... we’re hooommnne” and several patrons dressed in flannel and smelling like they’d been there for 30 years all stopped, looked up and smiled, and said together “welcome home, lads!!” each of them finding the connection in Tics eyes one by one as he acknowledged them and gave them a big smile. 

Tic steps up to the bar and slides 5 tenners to the bartender, “keep us well hydrated tonight, my friend, 3 double shots of yer finest cold Jaeger, please, we’re celebration’!” - the atmosphere of the rundown pub changed in an instant and became more joyful and intimate, the 10 people in the bar smiled a bit wider and toasted to the three friends when they refilled their pints”.

It had been a long day of opening presents he mostly didn’t want and listening to his Mum defend him to his Dad “Just let him be, it’s his birthday...” - finally he opened the present from Liam and smiled - the silver flask, already full. “Happy birthday, lil bruv’” Liam said, and gave him a wink. 

Now, with the warmth of the drink, and feeling the confidence of “his place”, Tic catches the eye of a beautiful young woman and walks up to her... “we go to school togever, right? - my name’s Tic and your name is Pru...” wha’ are you doing in a place like this’ you seem too posh for this lot”. Pru smiles back, tilting her head and looks back at someone seated behind her. “I’m here with him” with no further explanation. Tic, who has two pints in his hands offers one to her and says “cheers, it’s nice to meet you for real, Pru” and kisses her on the nose. “yer cute and I think you should come home wif me, it’s my birthday”. After a few hours of chatting and laughing (and singing and snogging) with his comrades and his new found friend, Tic asks Johnny to use the phone and calls his driver. “See you in a bit” and helps Pru with her coat. The two of them walk down the snow covered sidewalk together, laughing and feeling intoxicated as Tic opens the door of the Maybach for Pru.


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